Użytkownik:Tap Chan: Różnice pomiędzy wersjami

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(Nie pokazano 9 wersji utworzonych przez 2 użytkowników)
Linia 1: Linia 1:
Do zrobienia:
*aktualizacja pokemon Kanto (Vileplume)
*Poziom 130
*Cloned Island - aktualizacja mapek
*Twin Rock Ticket
*screeny brakujących pokemonów
*[[Eevee]] level 40+
*giff brakujących move/TM
*Ukończony [[Sail Fossil Quest]]
*Wpis w pokedexie wszystkich pokemonów skamielin: ([[Kabuto]], [[Kabutops]], [[Omanyte]], [[Omastar]], [[Aerodactyl]], [[Lileep]], [[Cradily]], [[Anorith]], [[Armaldo]], [[Cranidos]], [[Rampardos]], [[Amaura]], [[Aurorus]])
==Misja 1==
Udajemy się do '''Dr. Kenzo''', którego laboratorium znajduje się w podwodnym kompleksie pod Smeargle Island.
Misję zaczynamy w mieście Goldenrod u NPC Officer Mike Lowrey.<br />
'''Player:'''Hi <br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Welcome there.<br />
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Yesterday I've got a call from Lavender, someone have reported me an explosion in some hidden Lab, north from Squirtle island. Can you go there and check what happend?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Ok, thank you. I will be waiting here for news.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Good bye, Player!<br />
Aby przejść przez bramkę nasza postać musi posiadać poziom powyżej '''130'''.
Officer Mike Lowrey informuje Nas że doszło do dziwnej eksplozji w tajnym laboratorium na północ od wyspy Squirtle, nieopodal Lavender, prosi Nas byśmy sprawdzili co się tam stało.<br />
Aby wejść do labolatorium '''Dr. Kenzo''' musimy ukończyć [[Sail Fossil Quest]] oraz posiadać '''wpis w pokedexie wszystkich Pokemonowych skamielin'''.
Udajemy się na miejsce gdzie spotykami Scientist Norman.<br />
Gdy już jesteśmy w laboratorium możemy rozpocząć dialog z doktorem.
Dr. Kenzo: Welcome to my lab, I am Kenzo. I'm doing researches about Pokemon, but mostly about fossils of one hundred million years ago.<br/>
Player: fossil<br/>
Dr. Kenzo: Jaw fossil... I think it doesn't exist anymore, I didn't see any report for found jaw fossils in... 25 years, doesn't sound so bad, but believe me, it is.<br/>
Dr. Kenzo: But... I know, that there's a way to get it by transforming sail fossil into jaw fossil.<br/>
Player: sail fossil<br/>
Dr. Kenzo: My cousin (Lissandra) knows how to get it and she can help you, just tell her my name.<br/>
Dr. Kenzo: Come back to me once you'll get it, I will give you next instructions.<br/>
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Scientist Norman''': Hello trainer.<br />
'''Player''': Explosion<br />
'''Scientist Norman''': Oh, Officer Mike Lowrey sent you. Last week we have been studying another Porygon's form, and I don't know why, but something went wrong. Our Porygon got bigger and flied away. We need to find it and force to get back in its Pokeball. Can you report it to the Officer?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Scientist Norman''': Ok, thank you so much. I'm happy to count on you.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Scientist Norman''': Good bye!<br />
'''Dr. Kenzo''' informuje Nas, że istnieje sposób aby przemienić Sail Fossil w Jaw Fossil, musimy się udać teraz do '''Lissandry''' (drogę poznaliśmy w trakcie [[Sail Fossil Quest]], która wie jak zdobyć Sail Fossil.
Norman informuje Nas że podczas badań nad inną formą Porygona coś poszło nie tak, Porygon stał się większy i uciekł z laboratorium. Prosi Nas byśmy poinformowali o tym Officer Mike Lowrey.<br />
Lissandra: Nice to see you again.<br/>
Player: dr. kenzo<br/>
Lissandra: Oh my dear cousin! Haven't seen him since last year, is he doing good?<br/>
Player: yes<br/>
Lissandra: Alright, so you need another sail fossil?<br/>
Player: yes<br/>
Lissandra: Okay, I guess I can give you one if you would help me to get some information about Amaura's evolution - Aurorus. I'd like to make my own researches. Can you hunt them in a task?<br/>
Player: yes<br/>
Lissandra: Awesome, request me to start the task and go to the west where you'll find some door with secret teleport leading to Aurorus. Come back to me to report once you are done.<br/>
Player: task<br/>
Lissandra: The current task that you can choose is Aurorus. You can ask me for the status of your started tasks and report me if you have finished any. You can also cancel a task if you have started it. For more information ask me for help.<br/>
Player: aurorus<br/>
Lissandra: In this task you must defeat 500 Aurorus. Are you sure that you want to start this task?<br/>
Player: yes<br/>
Lissandra: Excellent! You can check the status of your tasks by telling me status, and for finished tasks tell me report. You can also cancel a task if you have started it.<br/>
Naszym zadaniem jest pomoc w badaniach nad [[Aurorus]]em a dokładnie pokonanie 500 sztuk tego pokemona. Respawn znajdziemy za teleportem w pokoju na lewo od Lissandry.
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Welcome there.<br />
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Did you find something?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Oh, I can see a connection now. Today I've got another call from Celadon. Professor Darwin saw something weird flying around Celadon and maybe other cities too, please go there and talk with him.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Officer Mike Lowrey''': Good bye, Player!<br />
Po pokonaniu 500 [[Aurorus]]ów udajemy się do Lissandry. Dostaniemy od niej Sail Fossil, z którym musimy wrócić do Dr. Kenzo
Okazuje się że Officer Lowrey dostała również telefon od naukowca Darwina, prosi Nas byśmy udali się do niego do Celadon.<br />
Lissandra: Nice to see you again. How are you doing with the task?<br/>
Player: report<br/>
Lissandra: Thank you! Now I can do my researches, someday I will write a book about Amaura and Aurorus!<br/>
Lissandra: Here it is, take your fossil. Just be careful when my cousin tests your knowledge!<br/>
'''Player''': Hi<br />
===Misja 2===
'''Darwin''': Hello there, how can I help you?<br />
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Darwin''': You want to know about the weird thing I have seen?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Darwin''': It's strange, it looks like a Pokemon, or a robot... Mostly like a Porygon, but bigger!! Maybe I know someone who can help you.<br />
'''Player''': Help<br />
'''Darwin''': Would you like to know who can help you?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Darwin''': You must contact Maggie, but firstly you need to help her with something.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Darwin''': Good bye, Player!<br />
Druga misja to test wiedzy na temat świata pokemon. Musimy odpowiedzieć na kilka losowych pytań, niestety mamy na to ograniczony czas (około 2 minut).
Darwin opowiada Nam o tym jak widział coś dziwnego, przypominającego pokemona lub robota, bardzo podobnego do Porygona. Mówi Nam byśmy skontaktowali się z Maggie, gdyż ona może wiedzieć coś więcej na ten temat.<br />
*Lista pytań (możliwe że pytań jest więcej, jeśli trafisz jakieś inne proszę o kontakt z kimś z moderacji strony):
Udajemy się do Maggie, która rezyduje nieopodal Cerulean.<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon preys on Magikarp?
'''Odpowiedź:''' pidgeot
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Who appears only when snow flowers bloom?
'''Odpowiedź:''' abomasnow
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: What is getting born, when Carbink goes under weird mutation?
'''Odpowiedź:''' diancie
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon has four brains?
'''Maggie''': Nice to meet you Mister Player, what are you doing here?<br />
'''Odpowiedź:''' metagross
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Maggie''': Oh, my home appliances don't work anymore since a weird robot crossed Cerulean city. My old school teacher is the only one who can help me. Can you go there?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Maggie''': Do you know the electric deserted island near Safari zone? Go there and find Doctor Akihabara.<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Maggie''': Good bye, Player!<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Who is said to steal a person's soul if they look into its eyes?
'''Odpowiedź:''' sableye
Maggie skarży się że urządzenia w jej domu przestały działać po tym jak dziwny pokemon robot przeleciał nad Cerulean. Prosi Nas byśmy udali się do Doktora Akihabara, który może jej pomóc naprawić urządzenia. Informuje Nas że Doctor Akihabara znajduje się na elektrycznej wyspie niedaleko Safari.<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: What does Sharpedo prey on?
'''Odpowiedź:''' wailmer
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon was made out of a programming code?
'''Doctor Akihabara''': Hello, Maggie made me a call thanking me for the radio. Thank you for helping her.<br />
'''Odpowiedź:''' porygon
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': Maggie sent you?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': Poor Maggie, I have something here to help her. Take this radio and give it to her, its magnetic waves will help with the problem.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': Good bye, Inko!<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon can fly with speed few times higher than an airplane?
'''Odpowiedź:''' dragonite
Od Doktora otrzymujemy radio, które należy dostarczyć Maggie.<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon is commonly called "The Royal Pink Princess"?
'''Odpowiedź:''' diancie
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: What is attached to Slowbro's tail?
'''Maggie''': Nice to meet you Mister Player, what are you doing here?<br />
'''Odpowiedź:''' shellder
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Maggie''': Did Doctor Akihabara send something for me?<br />
'''Maggie''': You need 1 Radio, can you bring it?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Maggie''': Thank you so much, finally I can back to my business. I know you are looking to know the robot better, try to talk with Doctor Akihabara about it.<br />
'''Player''': Bye<br />
'''Maggie''': Good bye, Player!<br />
'''Pytanie:''' Dr. Kenzo: When Venusaur's scent becomes stronger?
'''Odpowiedź:''' after a rain
'''Player''': Hi<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': Hello, Maggie made me a call thanking me for the radio. Thank you for helping her.<br />
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': I see you talked with Darwin, he is crazy, isn't he? He told me about the weird robot he has seen. You wanna hear more?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Doctor Akihabara''': This Pokemon came right to some island near Azalea city, it's a Porygon but with a different form from the others. You must go investigate the whole island searching for more. Be careful, I guess Team Rocket already knows about it as well.<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': Hello Rocket member, what do you want?<br />
'''Player''': Mission<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': We found the missing Porygon from Mahogany's Labs, but we still need some stuff to make the portal work ... Are you interested in our new project?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': Ok, ask me for the list whenever you want.<br />
'''Player''': List<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': We need some materials in order to open the portals ...<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': You need 300 future orbs, 50 Clefable's tails, 30 golden seeds, 20 love plates, can you bring it?<br />
'''Player''': Yes<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': You forgot something ...<br />
'''Albert Einstein''': Good bye!<br />

Aktualna wersja na dzień 18:35, 2 paź 2018


Misja 1

Udajemy się do Dr. Kenzo, którego laboratorium znajduje się w podwodnym kompleksie pod Smeargle Island.

Underwater complex.png

Dr kenzo1.png

Dr kenzo2.png

Aby przejść przez bramkę nasza postać musi posiadać poziom powyżej 130.

Dr kenzo3.png

Aby wejść do labolatorium Dr. Kenzo musimy ukończyć Sail Fossil Quest oraz posiadać wpis w pokedexie wszystkich Pokemonowych skamielin.

Gdy już jesteśmy w laboratorium możemy rozpocząć dialog z doktorem.

Dr. Kenzo: Welcome to my lab, I am Kenzo. I'm doing researches about Pokemon, but mostly about fossils of one hundred million years ago.
Player: fossil
Dr. Kenzo: Jaw fossil... I think it doesn't exist anymore, I didn't see any report for found jaw fossils in... 25 years, doesn't sound so bad, but believe me, it is.
Dr. Kenzo: But... I know, that there's a way to get it by transforming sail fossil into jaw fossil.
Player: sail fossil
Dr. Kenzo: My cousin (Lissandra) knows how to get it and she can help you, just tell her my name.
Dr. Kenzo: Come back to me once you'll get it, I will give you next instructions.

Dr. Kenzo informuje Nas, że istnieje sposób aby przemienić Sail Fossil w Jaw Fossil, musimy się udać teraz do Lissandry (drogę poznaliśmy w trakcie Sail Fossil Quest, która wie jak zdobyć Sail Fossil.

Lissandra: Nice to see you again.
Player: dr. kenzo
Lissandra: Oh my dear cousin! Haven't seen him since last year, is he doing good?
Player: yes
Lissandra: Alright, so you need another sail fossil?
Player: yes
Lissandra: Okay, I guess I can give you one if you would help me to get some information about Amaura's evolution - Aurorus. I'd like to make my own researches. Can you hunt them in a task?
Player: yes
Lissandra: Awesome, request me to start the task and go to the west where you'll find some door with secret teleport leading to Aurorus. Come back to me to report once you are done.
Player: task
Lissandra: The current task that you can choose is Aurorus. You can ask me for the status of your started tasks and report me if you have finished any. You can also cancel a task if you have started it. For more information ask me for help.
Player: aurorus
Lissandra: In this task you must defeat 500 Aurorus. Are you sure that you want to start this task?
Player: yes
Lissandra: Excellent! You can check the status of your tasks by telling me status, and for finished tasks tell me report. You can also cancel a task if you have started it.

Naszym zadaniem jest pomoc w badaniach nad Aurorusem a dokładnie pokonanie 500 sztuk tego pokemona. Respawn znajdziemy za teleportem w pokoju na lewo od Lissandry.

Aurorus resp.png

Po pokonaniu 500 Aurorusów udajemy się do Lissandry. Dostaniemy od niej Sail Fossil, z którym musimy wrócić do Dr. Kenzo

Lissandra: Nice to see you again. How are you doing with the task?
Player: report
Lissandra: Thank you! Now I can do my researches, someday I will write a book about Amaura and Aurorus!
Lissandra: Here it is, take your fossil. Just be careful when my cousin tests your knowledge!

Misja 2

Druga misja to test wiedzy na temat świata pokemon. Musimy odpowiedzieć na kilka losowych pytań, niestety mamy na to ograniczony czas (około 2 minut).

  • Lista pytań (możliwe że pytań jest więcej, jeśli trafisz jakieś inne proszę o kontakt z kimś z moderacji strony):

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon preys on Magikarp? Odpowiedź: pidgeot

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Who appears only when snow flowers bloom? Odpowiedź: abomasnow

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: What is getting born, when Carbink goes under weird mutation? Odpowiedź: diancie

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon has four brains? Odpowiedź: metagross

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Who is said to steal a person's soul if they look into its eyes? Odpowiedź: sableye

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: What does Sharpedo prey on? Odpowiedź: wailmer

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon was made out of a programming code? Odpowiedź: porygon

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon can fly with speed few times higher than an airplane? Odpowiedź: dragonite

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: Which Pokemon is commonly called "The Royal Pink Princess"? Odpowiedź: diancie

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: What is attached to Slowbro's tail? Odpowiedź: shellder

Pytanie: Dr. Kenzo: When Venusaur's scent becomes stronger? Odpowiedź: after a rain