Użytkownik:Tap Chan

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Do zrobienia:

  • aktualizacja pokemon Kanto (Vileplume)
  • Cloned Island - aktualizacja mapek
  • screeny brakujących pokemonów
  • giff brakujących move/TM

Misję zaczynamy w mieście Goldenrod u NPC Officer Mike Lowrey.

Player:Hi Officer Mike Lowrey: Welcome there. Player: Mission Officer Mike Lowrey: Yesterday I've got a call from Lavender, someone have reported me an explosion in some hidden Lab, north from Squirtle island. Can you go there and check what happend? Player: Yes Officer Mike Lowrey: Ok, thank you. I will be waiting here for news. Player: Bye Officer Mike Lowrey: Good bye, Player!

Officer Mike Lowrey informuje Nas że doszło do dziwnej eksplozji w tajnym laboratorium na północ od wyspy Squirtle, nieopodal Lavender, prosi Nas byśmy sprawdzili co się tam stało.

Udajemy się na miejsce gdzie spotykami Scientist Norman.

Player: Hi Scientist Norman: Hello trainer. Player: Explosion Scientist Norman: Oh, Officer Mike Lowrey sent you. Last week we have been studying another Porygon's form, and I don't know why, but something went wrong. Our Porygon got bigger and flied away. We need to find it and force to get back in its Pokeball. Can you report it to the Officer? Player: Yes Scientist Norman: Ok, thank you so much. I'm happy to count on you. Player: Bye Scientist Norman: Good bye!

Norman informuje Nas że podczas badań nad inną formą Porygona coś poszło nie tak, Porygon stał się większy i uciekł z laboratorium. Prosi Nas byśmy poinformowali o tym Officer Mike Lowrey.

Player: Hi Officer Mike Lowrey: Welcome there. Player: Mission Officer Mike Lowrey: Did you find something? Player: Yes Officer Mike Lowrey: Oh, I can see a connection now. Today I've got another call from Celadon. Professor Darwin saw something weird flying around Celadon and maybe other cities too, please go there and talk with him. Player: Bye Officer Mike Lowrey: Good bye, Player!

Okazuje się że Officer Lowrey dostała również telefon od naukowca Darwina, prosi Nas byśmy udali się do niego do Celadon.

Player: Hi Darwin: Hello there, how can I help you? Player: Mission Darwin: You want to know about the weird thing I have seen? Player: Yes Darwin: It's strange, it looks like a Pokemon, or a robot... Mostly like a Porygon, but bigger!! Maybe I know someone who can help you. Player: Help Darwin: Would you like to know who can help you? Player: Yes Darwin: You must contact Maggie, but firstly you need to help her with something. Player: Bye Darwin: Good bye, Player!

Darwin opowiada Nam o tym jak widział coś dziwnego, przypominającego pokemona lub robota, bardzo podobnego do Porygona. Mówi Nam byśmy skontaktowali się z Maggie, gdyż ona może wiedzieć coś więcej na ten temat.

Udajemy się do Maggie, która rezyduje nieopodal Cerulean.

Player: Hi Maggie: Nice to meet you Mister Player, what are you doing here? Player: Mission Maggie: Oh, my home appliances don't work anymore since a weird robot crossed Cerulean city. My old school teacher is the only one who can help me. Can you go there? Player: Yes Maggie: Do you know the electric deserted island near Safari zone? Go there and find Doctor Akihabara. Player: Yes Player: Bye Maggie: Good bye, Player!

Inko [155]: hi

Doctor Akihabara: Hello, Maggie made me a call thanking me for the radio. Thank you for helping her.

Inko [155]: mission

Doctor Akihabara: Maggie sent you? Inko [155]: yes Doctor Akihabara: Poor Maggie, I have something here to help her. Take this radio and give it to her, its magnetic waves will help with the problem. Inko [155]: bye

Doctor Akihabara: Good bye, Inko!

Inko [155]: hi Maggie: Nice to meet you Mister Inko, what are you doing here?

Inko [155]: mission Maggie: Did Doctor Akihabara send something for me? Maggie: You need 1 Radio, can you bring it? Inko [155]: yes Maggie: Thank you so much, finally I can back to my business. I know you are looking to know the robot better, try to talk with Doctor Akihabara about it. Inko [155]: bye Maggie: Good bye, Inko!

Inko [155]: hi Doctor Akihabara: Hello, Maggie made me a call thanking me for the radio. Thank you for helping her.

Inko [155]: mission

Doctor Akihabara: I see you talked with Darwin, he is crazy, isn't he? He told me about the weird robot he has seen. You wanna hear more? Inko [155]: yes

Doctor Akihabara: This Pokemon came right to some island near Azalea city, it's a Porygon but with a different form from the others. You must go investigate the whole island searching for more. Be careful, I guess Team Rocket already knows about it as well.